Sunday, 6 November 2011

Not as loud as I thought

 I finished that sample I showed in the last post.  I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out.  The finished piece isn't as loud as I thought it might.  All the bright colours almost had the effect of cancelling each other out and it looks a lot more subtle that I thought would be possible.
I love how the layers of stitch have created lots of texture, and the stitch pattern has become less recognisable.  It almost looks like it could be a piece of weaving I think.

I'm hoping to spend the rest of the day finishing the colour grading exercise.


  1. It looks like a lovely piece of fabric, can't believe how much it's changed

  2. it looks lovely can't believe how different it now looks

  3. a lovely rich effect Angela, and you are right, it does look like weaving.are they rayon threads? the gleam is very effective....
